Just a rainbow day {free printable}

Friday, 27 February 2015

Make the small things matter and your life will be much nicer. We all have "not such great days" sometimes. So even if seeing a rainbow is the only nice thing that happened today, make it matter. Let the rainbow (or any other minor, seemingly unimportant event) turn your whole day into a "good day" :)

If you want to see how I create my printables, check out my blog post Happy Birthday Card.
 free printable coloring just a rainbow day

The PDF file includes a black and white and colored version in A4 or 4*A6 (postcard size). You can print them out on a nice paper and color them yourself, send as a postcard or put in a nice frame. It's up to you, how you want to make your day a little bit nicer :)

free printable coloring just a rainbow day

free printable coloring just a rainbow day

free printable coloring just a rainbow day

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